Web Audio Weekly


Hello! Welcome to February's newsletter. I'm enjoying the monthly schedule as it gives me plenty of things to write about, thank you to everyone who sent me something to include. And a big thanks to freelance Web Audio developer Karim for becoming a member on buy me a coffee. Regular support really helps me cover the costs of sending out the newsletter.

-- Chris

Global Sequencer


The Global Sequencer is created by Sound Designer Yuri Suzuki, as part of Hamamatsu City’s initiative to broaden and push the boundaries of sound design. 2021 is a year still largely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, restricting the free movement of people and changing all our lives. In response to this situation, we present an interactive sequencer featuring sounds from around the world to create a sense of global connection.



There's been some renewed activity in the audiojs/web-audio-api project. It's an implementation of the Web Audio API in NodeJS. A complete implementation would be very useful for creating test suites that run offline, sharing audio code between the browser and server and creating stand-alone audio applications. There's additional background in the issues.

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Andromeda Invaders


A fun 80's-style arcade game using Canvas and Web Audio. There's some technical details about the sound design and implementation in the blog post.

Writing Morse code games in JavaScript using the Web Audio API


An in-depth blog post about a pair of Morse code games written by Alex Ellis. Morse code is an audio language of dots and dashes and the games help you learn how to translate to and from Morse code. Find out how to use JavaScript and the Web Audio API to generate and parse Morse code in the post.



Any percussive sound can become a tonal instrument if you play it fast enough!

svemlr - mlr in the browser


A browser based version of the classic MAX/MSP live looping, sample-cutting environment. Unfortunately you'll need a monome grid to try this out, but the code is available if someone fancies adding a browser-based grid emulation.

Scale Navigator Dashboard


Explore scales, chords and learn how to modulate between them using these shape-based visualisations.



Cables is a programming environment for creating visual and sound art. Pieces are created by connecting operators together using cables. There's a large number of operators for creating 3D scenes but also some really interesting web audio examples.



The dsp.wags.fm API provides some useful DSP functions (such as spectral centroid, phase vocoding and noise filtering) via a HTTP API. This might be useful if you need to batch-process user generated content, particularly on devices that may not be able to perform the calculations fast enough.

OK Computer but everything is my voice


This is what you'll get, when you mess with us.

What's this?

Web Audio Weekly is a newsletter about audio on the web platform, curated by Chris Lowis. Check out the archives for issues you may have missed and let your friends know they can subscribe by forwarding them this newsletter.


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