Web Audio Weekly


I hope you enjoy this week's newsletter! Hit reply to let me know what you think, or to send me a link to include next week. You can help keep my spirits up by buying me a coffee and check out previous issues in the archive.

-- Chris



Nestup is a terse language for expressing musical rhythms. It's designed to make things that are tricky in a DAW (such as nested tuplets) straight-forward to program. The resulting rhythms can be played on the web, via a Max For Live plugin or rendered as MIDI. The github page has an amazing amount of useful documentation.

FM Synthesis with Rust, Web Audio and WebAssembly


A blog post explaining how to create a feature-rich FM synth using Rust compiled to WebAssembly. There's a lot of detail on the particular toolchain, and the use of the AudioWorklet node to run the compiled code.

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Jim Andrews has updated his 2000 piece Nio from Macromedia Director to use the Web Audio API. From the project page:

The artistic aspiration of Nio is toward a new interactive, visual and combinatory form of music: the heap. A heap is a collection of sound icons. Each icon has a sound and an animation/video. The player can hook them together so that they play either simultaneously or one after another. In other words, the player interactively layers and sequences the sounds and animations.

xkcd - Checkbox


The April Fool's editions of popular webcomic xxkcd are famous for their byzantine depth. This year's was no different. Clicking a simple checkbox produces some morse-code tones, but is anyone listening? The blog post has details on the processing required to interpret user-generated morsecode, and the explain xkcd wiki has some (many) spoilers.



Zvoog is a procedural music generator that creates unique pieces of music around a randomly selected chord progression. The sampled instruments themselves are provided by WebAudioFont a General MIDI-compatible set of Web Audio instruments.

Lyra - A Very Low-Bitrate Codec for Speech Compression


Lyra is a new codec for effeciently compressing speech that relies on extracting audio features from the input speech in real time, passing these descriptors of the speech over the wire, and then reconstructing the speakers voice on the other end using a speech synthesiser. The system uses a neural network trained on a huge training set to accurately recreate the speech. In the end, I'm not listening to you, rather a synth programmed to sound like you!

How to stream an online gig


Robin Rimbaud, aka Scanner, has been performing some excellent live sets on Bandcamp Live. As well as the sets, I really enjoyed this blog post where he goes into the technical setup of how to perform a live electronic set remotely.

What's this?

Web Audio Weekly is a newsletter about audio on the web platform, curated by Chris Lowis. Check out the archives for issues you may have missed and let your friends know they can subscribe by forwarding them this newsletter.


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