Thank you very much for all the positive messages last week. The world
is very strange right now but I hope this newsletter brings you a
little joy (and some bleeps and bloops).
If you'd like me to keep writing please consider buying me a
coffee. Baby not sleep. So
-- Chris
You're probably familar with the three overlapping circles that form
the traditional Venn diagram. It turns out to be surprisingly
complicated to create simple Venn diagrams with 7 circles. The about
page (click on the ? ) and github
repo give a lot of fascinating
history and background about the mathematics behind these diagrams
while the app itself maps the seven circles to a diatonic scale to
create a strange but beautiful instrument.
Handel is a small procedural programming language for writing songs in
the browser. It's an interesting hybrid of live-coding and musical
notation. There's a handy web-editor
to try too - it could just do with a few more examples.
This is an interactive user manual for a Eurorack synth module. These
things tend to be expensive and there's a whole cottage industry of
YouTube reviews and demos. The user guide for this module has another
way you can try-before-you-buy. It features sound demos and animated
waveshape visualisations interspersed in the documentation. Simple but
very effective.
A port of Emilie Gillet's open-source Plaits
instrument to the
browser. Victor has converted and compiled the source code of Plaits
to Web Assembly to create this application. There's a faint, grey
loudspeaker icon next to the gain slider that will start the sound and
an LFO section to provide some modulation.
We've had browser ports of
CSound and
PureData but this is the
first attempt I've seen to port James McCartney's venerable
SuperCollider synthesis engine to
the browser using Wasm. In the link above you can boot the server, and
then run SuperCollider code in the browser console. Or watch this
for a demo.
What's this?
Web Audio Weekly is a newsletter about audio on the web platform, curated by Chris Lowis. Check out the archives for issues you may have missed and let your friends know they can subscribe by forwarding them this newsletter.