Web Audio Weekly


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Hello! I hope you enjoy this week's selection of web audio links. I particularly enjoyed the musical trip down memory lane provided by The Pudding. If you've got projects you'd like to share, hit reply to get in touch. -- Chris.

Best Year in Music THE PUDDING

A visualisation of every Billboard top 5 record through the decades. As virtual time scrolls by, the songs at the top of the charts cross-fade from one to another. Lots of fun - although I wish there was a UK version!

Bouncy Perlin Noise SAM

A microphone-powered visualisation using Perlin noise. As it's a codepen you can also dig into the code to find out how Sam made it.

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Ampl.fi AMPL.FI

A new "music delivery service" that aims to make it easy for you to listen to new music, or earn some money as a musician. I found the landing page a little confusing, but it's a slick experience once you start playing around.

Material Design: Sound MATERIAL.IO

The new section on using sound in the Material design system handbook is full of great tips on how to enhance an application through the use of sound, music and voice.


BeepBox is an online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental melodies. I like the way that the finished composition is packed into the URL for easy sharing.

Infusing hotel stays with custom soundscapes JULIANNA BARWICK

An interesting article about electronic musician Julianna Barwick's collaboration with Atelier Ace hotels and Microsoft AI to create a soundscape for their new hotel lobby.